The Society shall be called the International Federation of Dermatology Clinical Trials Networks (IFDCTN).
Its objects are:
The relief of sickness and the preservation and protection of good health, in connection with the treatment and prevention of skin diseases.
In addition to any other powers they have, the trustees may exercise any of the following powers in order to further the objects (but not for any other purpose):
Membership is open to any person over the age of 18 years expressing an interest in research into skin diseases. This may include dermatologists; dermatology nurses; medical researchers; consumers; or representatives of other organisations with an interest in skin disease.
The Steering Committee shall be composed of up to 30 members of the Network, based in various regions globally.
The Steering Committee will be responsible for most of the decisions relating to the business of the Society. It is the duty of the Steering Committee to propose further development of the Network Structure. The Steering Committee shall also be responsible for the day-to-day business of fulfilling the aims of the Society and to provide guidance in the aims and objectives of the Society and to ensure that all activities are in line with these aims.
Regional co-ordinators shall be responsible for raising awareness of the Society amongst dermatologists in their designated region.
Responsibilities of the Regional Co-ordinators:
Notice of any proposal to amend or alter the Rules of the Society must be sent to the Coordinating Centre to be put to the Steering Committee in the form of a motion.
Dissolution of the Society may be proposed to the Steering Committee. Notice of such proposal shall be given in the same way as in relation to a proposal to alter the Rules of the Society.
If the Steering Committee approve the proposal to dissolve the Society, the Steering Committee shall as soon as possible take a postal ballot of all ordinary members of the Society on the proposal.
If at least two thirds of the members entitled to vote shall vote in favour of the proposal to dissolve the Society, the Society shall be dissolved immediately after the result of the voting has been announced. If less than two thirds of the members entitled to vote shall vote in favour of dissolution within three months of the date of the postal ballot as shown on the voting papers, the proposal shall lapse and be of no effect.
For publications arising from study development conducted through the IFDCTN, the contribution from Network input must be recognised.
The appropriate form will depend on the level of contribution made and is to be agreed by individual study teams. Any such publications should be made available to the IFDCTN coordinating centre, before submission for publication, for revision purposes and final approval.
All IFDCTN trials have a designated sponsor and appropriate indemnity cover in place.
The IFDCTN website is designed to provide users with general information. The information posted here by the IFDCTN should not be considered medical advice.
telephone: (0)115 846 8621 fax: (0)115 846 8618
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