The International Federation of Dermatology Clinical Trials Networks
University of Nottingham

Registration of Ongoing Clinical Trials


Organisations and investigators with responsibility for conducting clinical trials must conform to the regulations of the appropriate national health authorities and other regulatory bodies. 

It is vital that studies are registered appropriately because:

  • registration is a mandatory requirement
  • it allows transparency about ongoing research
  • it avoids duplication of similar studies
  • it alerts researchers to similar ongoing studies

Duplication of effort

Duplication of effort can sometimes be useful, as studies with slight variations can often be assessed together within systematic reviews. However, conducting repeated studies on the same intervention wastes valuable resource and is unethical.

Making researchers aware of similar ongoing research ensures they can design their trial in such a way that is sufficiently different, whilst ensuring that the same outcomes can be compared. 


Useful Links

The below links are to relevant clinical trials registries, where you can search for both ongoing and completed studies.



telephone: (0)115 846 8621
fax: (0)115 846 8618

Email: IFDCTN@nottingham.ac.uk